MS Azure Cloud Engineer Masters Program

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With this course, You will be able to implement advanced networking configurations, plan authentication and security of the infrastructure, and use PaaS solutions and Storage Services to deploy end-to-end cloud solutions.

Course Description

Microsoft Azure Master Program for Azure cloud engineer certification will qualify you for three certification exams: AZ-104, which is needed to attain Azure Administrator Badge (Associate-level), AZ-204, which is necessary to achieve Azure Developer Badge (Associate-level), AZ-303, which is required to attain Azure Solutions Architect Badge (Expert-level), and AZ-400, which is essential for attaining Azure DevOps Engineer Badge (Expert-level).

Master Azure Program is a structured education path suggested by leading industry experts. It makes you proficient in new-age technologies that give your career a much-needed boost.

While the Microsoft Azure Cloud Engineer Certification Masters Program is designed for professionals planning to attain any or all of the four badges – Azure Administrator Associate Badge, Azure Developer – Associate Badge, Azure Architect Expert, and DevOps Engineer Badge.

There are no prerequisites for registration in this Microsoft Azure Masters Program. A basic understanding of cloud computing concepts and Linux will help.

Professionals plan to attain any or all of the four badges – Azure Administrator Associate Badge, Azure Developer – Associate Badge, Azure Architect Expert Badge, and DevOps Engineer Badge.

Azure Cloud Engineers are accountable for many cloud-related activities, including Evaluating an organization's IT infrastructure to determine opportunities for advancing to the Cloud, Overseeing the migration process and maintaining the new system, Performing configuration management and disaster recovery tasks, Deploying Azure.

Create and control systems, databases, and networks for the Cloud utilizing Microsoft's Azure platform.

This vast infrastructure network is why most Fortune 500 companies trust Azure. As more businesses flock to Microsoft Azure, demand for skilled cloud professionals will increase.

Azure facilitates easy mobility and a reliable, consistent platform between on-premise and public Cloud. Azure delivers a more comprehensive range of hybrid connections, including virtual private networks (VPNs), caches, content delivery networks (CDNs), and ExpressRoute connections, to enhance usability and performance.

What you'll learn

  • In this course, you will learn: Azure concepts; core Azure services; core solutions and management tools; general security and network security; governance, privacy, and compliance features; Azure cost management and service level agreements.


  • There are requirements for learning this course.


Fundamentals of Cloud Computing Self paced course

What is Cloud Computing?
Why Cloud Computing?
Characteristics of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing – Technologies
Cloud Deployment Model (Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud)
Cloud Service Model - IAAS, PAAS, SAAS
Cloud Services – Users
Cloud Virtualization
Cloud - UseCase

learn about the administrative tools and components that make up an Azure subscription, the different available types of subscriptions, and the various services Azure provides. Azure Resource Manager and how resources are classified into resource groups.

Introduction to Cloud Computing,
Overview of Microsoft Azure,
Microsoft Azure Services,
Azure Subscriptions,
Management Groups,
Azure Resource Manager,
Azure Portal and PowerShell,
Azure Resource Manager Policies,
Azure Policy Definition Structure,
Resource Management Locks,
Organizing Azure Resources,
Create an Azure account,
Manage subscriptions, billing, and policies,
Configure Management Groups,
Utilize Portal and PowerShell to deploy and manage resources on Azure,
Create Azure policies

Learn Azure virtual networking concepts, how you create and configure them, and how system routes, routing tables, and routing algorithms are used. Azure DNS basics and Network Security Groups (NSGs). Learn to implement NSGs considering service endpoints and policies.

Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks,
IP Addresses – Public and Private,
Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR),
Network Interface Cards (NICs),
Network Security Groups (NSGs),
Network Security Group Rules,
Virtual Network Service Endpoints,
Service Endpoint Policies,
Azure Load Balancer,
Azure DNS,
Azure Firewall,
Azure Bastion Service,
Create and Configure Virtual Networks,
Setup Network Security Groups (NSGs),
Restrict Network Access to Resources with Service Endpoints,
Implement Azure DNS,
Configure Azure Firewall,
Deploy Azure Bastion Service

Learn Azure VMs, their supporting OS, sizing, and pricing, and create and configure Windows and Linux VMs in Azure. Learn to create custom VMs in Azure. You will also know how VMs can be extended through custom scripts and Desired State Configuration.

Azure Virtual Machines,
Azure Resource Manager VM,
Introduction to ARM Templates,
Create a Custom Image of Azure VM,
Create a Controlled Image of a Generalized VM,
Create an Image from VM Snapshots,
Creating a Linux Virtual Machine,
Virtual Machine Extensions,
Configuration Management using PowerShell DSC,
Run Custom Scripts using Custom Script Extension,
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS),
Azure Container Instances (ACI),
App Service,
App Service Plans,
Create Windows VMs in the Azure Portal,
Create Windows VMs with Azure PowerShell,
Create VMs using ARM Templates,
Deploy custom server images,
Configure Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS),
Create a Web App Service

learn about storage accounts – Standard and Premium – and storage endpoints, data replication and work with Azure Storage Explorer to manage storage data, discover how a shared access signature (SAS) provides delegated Access to resources. Understand disks and storage - Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files, and structured storage types like Table and Queue storage.

Azure Storage,
Azure Storage Replication,
Azure Storage Explorer,
Attach or Detach an External Storage Account,
Shared Access Signatures (SAS),
Attach a Storage Account using SAS,
Azure Blob Storage,
Azure File Storage ,
Azure Queue Storage ,
Azure Table Storage ,
Create Azure Storage accounts,
Manage storage using Azure Storage Explorer,
Copy data by using AZCopy,
Secure storage using SAS,
Implement Blobs and Files storage,
Implement Table storage

know how to use Azure backup as a data protection solution and work with Azure File Sync, how to use Azure CDN and transfer data to and from the Cloud using the Import/Export service and Data Box.

Azure Backup,
Why Use Azure Backup?
Files and Folder Backup,
Application Backup,
Azure File Share,
Azure File Sync,
Content Delivery Network (CDN),
How does CDN work?
Azure Import/Export Service,
Azure Data Box,
Implement Azure Backup service,
Create an Azure File Share,
Implement Azure File Sync,
Store and access data utilizing Azure CDN service,
Transfer data using Azure Import/Export service

discover the two main configuration areas for VMs: Networking and Storage; how to keep your VMs highly available sets, and use scale sets to increase/decrease the number of VMs, backing up and restoring VMs.

Azure Virtual Machine Storage,
Azure Virtual Machine Availability,
Fault and Update Domains,
Azure Load Balancer,
Automatic Scaling of Azure VMs,
VM Scale Sets,
Azure VM Backup,
Azure VM Monitoring with Azure Diagnostics Extension,
Azure Advisor,
Attach a Managed Data Disk to a Windows VM,
Initialize a New Data Disk,
Configure Azure Load Balancer,
Create a VM Scale Set,
Implement Backup and Restore,
Facilitate Diagnostic Extension to Monitor Metrics and Logs

Learn how traffic is distributed in a virtual network: Azure Load Balancer, Azure Traffic Manager, and Azure Application Gateway, two specific types of inter-site Connectivity: VNet-to-VNet connections and VNet Peering; choose which connectivity method and how to implement and configure that method.

Azure Traffic Manager,
Azure Application Gateway,
Azure Virtual Network Routing,
Azure Virtual Network Connectivity,
Azure VPN Gateway,
BGP with VPN Gateway,
Virtual Network Peering,
Implement Azure Traffic Manager,
Configure Virtual Network Gateways,
Configure BGP with Azure VPN Gateway,
Implement Virtual Network Peering

learns how to integrate an on-premises network with Azure Virtual Network. Implement Point-to-Site VPN Connections and ExpressRoute to connect your virtual networks, essential skills around troubleshooting common network issues with the help of the Azure Network Watcher tool.

Azure Inter-site VPN Connectivity Methods,
Site-to-Site VPN Gateway Connection,
Point-to-Site VPN Gateway Connection,
VNet-to-VNet Connections,
Azure ExpressRoute,
Azure Virtual WAN,
Azure Network Watcher,
Resource Troubleshooting in Azure Network Watcher,
Create and Configure Point-to-Site Connection,
Configure Vnet-to-Vnet Connection,
Configure Azure ExpressRoute,
Configure Azure Virtual WAN,
Implement Network Watcher

discover Azure Monitor and its many capabilities to ensure your Azure architecture is functioning correctly. The Log Analytics tool provides a way for you to analyze and query all types of corresponding data; the basics of Role-Based Access Control apply to users and groups.

Overview of Role-Based Access Control,
Azure Monitor,
Log Analytics,
Azure Activity Log,
Alerts in Azure Monitor,
Custom roles in Azure,
Equip Access to Azure resources by assigning roles,
Manage multiple directories,
Manage Access using RBAC,
Grant Access for a Group using RBAC,
Configure Activity Log Alerts,
Create a custom role

Intro to the Azure Active Directory and the fundamentals of implementing Azure AD objects, things have domains and tenants, users and groups, roles, and devices. Practice configuring these objects through the portal and Azure PowerShell in each lesson.

know how to integrate Active Directory with your existing infrastructure. Different authentication options such as Single Sign-on and Pass-through authentication, learn how to configure Azure AD Application Proxy. MFA and its work. Lastly, you will discover how to use conditional access policies.

Hybrid Identity,
Password Hash Synchronization (PHS),
Pass-through Authentication (PTA),
Federated Authentication,
Azure AD Seamless Single Sign-On (SSO),
Azure AD Application Proxy,
Password Writeback,
Implement Password Hash Synchronization and Pass-through Authentication,
Implement App Proxy and Password Writeback,
Configure user accounts for Multi-Factor Authentication

Know Microsoft Azure and its Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) Compute Solutions. Plan VM deployment and make VMs utilizing Azure Portal, PowerShell, and C# code.

Overview of Microsoft Azure,
Azure Virtual Machines,
Configure Azure VMs for remote Access,
Using Azure SDKs,
Provision VMs by utilizing the Azure Portal, PowerShell, and code

Discover how to use ARM templates for repeatable deployments and encrypt Azure VM disks. Use Azure Batch, which develops and manages a pool of compute nodes (VMs), installs the applications you want to run, and schedules jobs to run on the nodes.

ARM templates for Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Disk Encryption
Azure Batch Services
Deploy ARM templates for VM
Run a batch job by using Azure CLI, Azure portal, and Code

Create and operate modern, portable, Microservices-based applications that benefit from Kubernetes orchestration and control the availability of those application components.

Overview of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
AKS clusters
Azure Container Registry
Build an Azure Managed Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
Create container images for solutions
Post an image to the Azure Container Registry
Run containers by utilizing Azure Container Instance or AKS

Get an introduction to Use Azure App Service Web Apps for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back ends. Add more power to the application by executing security, load balancing, Autoscaling, and automated management. Create engaging cross-platform and native apps utilizing Azure App Service Mobile Apps.

Azure App Service core concepts,
Azure App Service Web Apps,
Azure App Service Mobile Apps,
Registering apps for Push notifications,
Designing App Service web apps by utilizing Azure CLI, Azure Portal, and PowerShell,
Creating continuous and triggered WebJobs,
Pushing an app onto the Mobile App service,
Registering apps for push notifications

Learn how to develop and document an Azure App Service API and implement Azure Functions, a solution for efficiently running small pieces of code, or "functions," in the Cloud.

Azure App Service API Apps,
API documentation,
Azure Functions overview,
Durable functions ,
Making an APIM instance and a new API ,
Utilize Swashbuckle to create Swagger objects in ASP.NET Core ,
Creating procedures, bindings, and triggers ,
Creating Durable functions