Enroll now to become a Certified DevOps expert with Edtia DevOps Masters Program and upgrade your skills.
DevOps Engineer Masters Program helps you become skilled in DevOps principles like CI/CD, Continuous Monitoring, and Continuous Delivery, utilizing tools like Puppet, Nagios, Chef, Docker, Git & Jenkins.
This DevOps Engineer master's program helps you gain valuable skills like Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Delivery, and hands-on experience with DevOps tools like Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Puppet, and more.
The learning of DevOps helps reduce the time for development cycles and ensures a faster rate of innovation. If the functions and development groups are in various silos, it will be challenging to determine whether the application is prepared for operation.
There are no prerequisites for enrollment in the Masters's Program.
experienced professional working in the IT industry, Administrator , an aspirant preparing to enter the world of DevOps
DevOps Engineer operates with developers and the IT staff to oversee the code releases. They are either developers interested in deployment and network operations or sysadmins who have a passion for scripting and coding and move into the development side, where they can enhance the planning of tests and deployment.
Understanding customer requirements and project KPIs. Executing further development, testing, automation tools, and IT infrastructure. Preparing the team structure, activities, and involvement in project management activities.
As companies are digitized, the demand for DevOps has grown at a remarkable rate. The future of IT companies is now hanging on the DevOps approach, making it the most demanding job. The market has grown from 40 to 45 percent within the last five years, increasing the demand for DevOps.
DevOps is important because it's a software development and operations approach that enables faster development of new products and easier maintenance of existing deployments.
This Module will teach Linux distribution, shell scripting, basic and advanced Linux commands, and package management.
This Module will teach about various software development tools available on Linux.
know about Linux security administration and Virtualization.
Know what Python is and touch on the basics.
Learn different types of sequence structures, related operations, and their usage.
learn how to make generic python scripts, how to address errors/exceptions in code, and finally, how to extract/filter content utilizing regex.
This Module helps you get familiar with the basics of statistics, different measures and probability distributions, and the supporting libraries in Python that assist in these operations.
learn in detail about data visualization
Learn the DevOps environment.
Know Source Control Management and learn the functionalities of Git.
In this Module, you will learn about the different actions performed through Git and be introduced to Jenkins and Maven.
In this Module, learn how to perform Continuous Integration by building applications with the help of Maven and create deployment pipelines using Jenkins.
Learn how to manage and configure your infrastructure using Ansible Ad-Hoc commands, Playbooks, and Roles.
Know the core concepts and technology behind Docker.
Learn how to use the Docker Hub registry, deploy a multi-tier application using Docker Compose, and create a swarm cluster.
In this Module, you will learn about Container Orchestration and Basic container management using Kubernetes.
Discover and deploy various service discovery mechanisms, utilize Volumes for persistent storage and deploy StatefulSets for stateful applications.
Know how to collect, monitor, and visualize data utilizing Prometheus and Grafana.
Learn how to provision and manage infrastructure on a Cloud Platform (AWS) utilizing Terraform Configuration Files.
Utilize Terraform State commands to manage the current state of your infrastructure. Deploy a usable and working infrastructure operating Terraform.
This Module will teach you about Selenium and how to automate your test cases for testing web elements. You will also get introduced to X-Path, TestNG, and integrate Selenium with Jenkins.
Learn how to monitor your tasks using various plugins continuously and implementing Nagios Commands